Friday, April 16, 2010

All you need is....

...You know what comes next... Love... Except today's blog is not about attracting a romantic partner, or loving those around you... it's about loving YOURSELF.

Ah humans... how we complicated, well, everything. Everything is simple if you can see the beauty and perfection in it, however this is rarely the path we choose. We scrutinize, analyze, criticize and other "izes" things to death and it strips us of the purity of just BEING in the moment.

If we look hard enough (and sadly, we often do) we can find flaws in anything. Look at half the magazine covers next time you're in the grocery store check out. Half will be dedicated to idolizing celebrity, and the other half will be dedicated to finding something wrong with them (debauchery, scandal, CELLULITE).

Then you have the terrible small talk topic: the weather. It's raining, it's snowing, it's too cold, too hot, too SOMETHING. Except that what if, it's exactly as it's supposed to be? Because it is. What if what we need is a change in perspective? Perhaps it's not too cold, but an excuse to wear that cute scarf? What if instead of seeing the rain, you see the opportunity to share an umbrella with someone special? Do you see where I'm going with this?

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we fixate on the "bad" and miss out on the opportunity that exists behind every experience. Experience... something we would not have the blessed to have if it weren't for the bodies we were born into. The same bodies we pick apart and criticize as well. And we identify with these bodies, so when we attack them with our words and thoughts we attack ourselves because we have yet to see the difference. Without these bodies, too tall, too skinny, too short, too fat, too whatever, we wouldn't be able to witness a sunset. Feel a warm breeze caresse our skin. Smell freshly baked bread. Soak in a hot bath. I could go on, but instead I'd like you to close your eyes, for just a moment, and relive the experience you've had that you loved most. Once that's done, thank your body for allowing you to have that experience. And keep this attitude of gratitude any time you go to critique yourself.

Sending love and light to guide your way.
SB xo

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