Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pay in forward

I still marvel at how the universe works... The more love you give, the more it comes back to you.
I surrendered this week, with regards to the play I'm directing, and let me tell you, surrendering to circumstances that are out of my control is NOT my strong point. However doing it, was a fabulous lesson. I was greeted by so much love, and so much support. I have said it before and I'll say it again: I am blessed.
But the love they showered me has filled me up again, and I am pushing it out to others, even some I haven't been in contact with for awhile. The expression "my cup runneth over" always painted an image in my mind about this metaphorical cup that one's emotions are held in... Well, I think my cup grew, and it still continues to overflow with love.
If you've landed in a time where you're receiving love, pay it forward - give it back - express it to someone else. This will brighten their day so they can continue to do the same. And if you're in a place of darkness, strive to find the light, the love, feed it, nurture it, and it will expand... and then you too will have more love than you know what to do with. (Which is the best problem to have!)
Lovingly yours,

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