Monday, July 20, 2009

Please help...

I apologize for not having a podcast set up for this week. There are a couple of contributing factors...

1. Today I didn't feel very uplifting, and I want to be sure that whatever I'm projecting outward to you is with the utmost sincerity. I instead took the time to focus on me, indulge a little in bad tv and ice cream, and hope to be back to myself very very soon.

2. (And this is where I need your help) I'm considering making some changes to the format of the podcast, but I'd like it to reflect what most people would like to hear. I've received feedback that the ads on the site are distracting... unfortunately because it is a free hosting website, I am unable to rectify this. The files are quite large and need to be accessible to a lot of people. What I would recommend is downloading them instead, and using whatever player you favour to play it back... I've also received feedback that people would like more talking and less music... that music can be found anywhere, but the message is where it's at. To be honest, I hadn't approached the podcast this way because I wasn't sure this is what people wanted, but if it is - I'm happy to deliver.

So what I'm asking is this... let me know. Send me a comment on here, or if you prefer to email, I can be reached at If you have topic ideas, things you'd like some insight on (of course this insight is only from my perspective) please send those along as well. I want this to be meaningful to as many people as possible, and I can't do this without you.

Hope you are having a wonderful week, full of love and light.

Seena Beana

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