Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Choo Choo - the train of life
Oh Lessons... How fun art thou?
Have you noticed a pattern that surfaces in your relationships, environments, etc? Where time and time again you are encountered with the same type of situation over and over. Do you behave the same way? Do you make the same mistakes? I do... They say "history repeats itself" but I'm such a glutten often that it doesn't even get a chance to become history before the repetition begins. BAH! So what's a regular old fallible human being to do?
Well, there's a few things. At least things I've found that I've been able to use to make certain changes in my life. (It seems to be in personal relationships that I make the same mistakes over and over.)
1. Observe - watch what habits you have, what situations or dynamics in relationships you are encountering over and over again. This is where the lessons are! I remember for a stretch of a few years, ever guy I was interested in was a cancer - strange, but true. I had something to learn from the clever crab, and I definitely picked it up. Perhaps you work in jobs where you have no work/life balance. Perhaps you attract friends or lovers who don't appreciate you. Observe these patterns, and ask yourself what there is to learn from these situations. As well, examine the role you play in these attractions. In many cases, if a deep dark part of us believes something to be true (ie: that we are not worth appreciating) we will subconsciously seek out situations and people who will validate that feeling for us.
2. Wake Up! When making any conscious change in your life (more positive thinking, healthier eating, etc) we need to be aware of every action we take so that it supports our goal of self improvement. Watch yourself, be self aware, and stay focused on what you want to attract and live your life in line with that. If you keep your head (and heart) on the task at hand, it will become easier and easier to make healthy choices to help you along your way.
Remember: we are the conductors of our own personal trains. We can't drive other people's trains (even if our ego shouts that we can do it better than they do), and we can only make choices for ourselves. So think about the choices you make, and make good ones that support your growth. We are all works in progress.
On a personal note, I've been really terrible at updating my blog lately. My other methods of social media communication (twitter and youtube) have also been neglected. There will be a shift coming very soon where this will no longer be an issue. I will ensure that any changes are communicated as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Big love,
SB <3
Have you noticed a pattern that surfaces in your relationships, environments, etc? Where time and time again you are encountered with the same type of situation over and over. Do you behave the same way? Do you make the same mistakes? I do... They say "history repeats itself" but I'm such a glutten often that it doesn't even get a chance to become history before the repetition begins. BAH! So what's a regular old fallible human being to do?
Well, there's a few things. At least things I've found that I've been able to use to make certain changes in my life. (It seems to be in personal relationships that I make the same mistakes over and over.)
1. Observe - watch what habits you have, what situations or dynamics in relationships you are encountering over and over again. This is where the lessons are! I remember for a stretch of a few years, ever guy I was interested in was a cancer - strange, but true. I had something to learn from the clever crab, and I definitely picked it up. Perhaps you work in jobs where you have no work/life balance. Perhaps you attract friends or lovers who don't appreciate you. Observe these patterns, and ask yourself what there is to learn from these situations. As well, examine the role you play in these attractions. In many cases, if a deep dark part of us believes something to be true (ie: that we are not worth appreciating) we will subconsciously seek out situations and people who will validate that feeling for us.
2. Wake Up! When making any conscious change in your life (more positive thinking, healthier eating, etc) we need to be aware of every action we take so that it supports our goal of self improvement. Watch yourself, be self aware, and stay focused on what you want to attract and live your life in line with that. If you keep your head (and heart) on the task at hand, it will become easier and easier to make healthy choices to help you along your way.
Remember: we are the conductors of our own personal trains. We can't drive other people's trains (even if our ego shouts that we can do it better than they do), and we can only make choices for ourselves. So think about the choices you make, and make good ones that support your growth. We are all works in progress.
On a personal note, I've been really terrible at updating my blog lately. My other methods of social media communication (twitter and youtube) have also been neglected. There will be a shift coming very soon where this will no longer be an issue. I will ensure that any changes are communicated as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Big love,
SB <3
Monday, June 21, 2010
Summer Solstice Visualization to Heal the Gulf Oil Spill
I apologize for the delay in posting. A regular schedule will resume soon. In the mean time, please see this visualization to help heal the Gulf oil spill.
Note from Josh (thebigpitcher.org): We know scientifically now, as proven fact, that intention changes reality. (See Lynn McTaggert’s The Intention Experiment, the works of Dr. William Tiller, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, any quantum physics book, etc etc.)
In this full knowing, let us proceed with full faith and confidence, embodying our higher Divine selves, and burst forth great healing intention and light in the Gulf. See the earth’s wound healed. See the spill and the energies that caused it completely dissolved by the brilliant love that we choose to focus there now.
Today is the Summer Solstice - the day of Maximum Light. Let us shine and put great emotion and love behind our shared healing intention. Please join us in this moment now.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
From Dr. Joe / Carroll Wright:
Here’s where Neville teaches us to be vivid in imagination instead of being passively unimaginative.
In this instance of the Gulf, let’s head off the fears by changing the atmosphere. For all who willingly work on images of the situation which have fallen into your being, remember you are a Light Being.
Move into the energy of love and radiate light at 500 watts.
Feel the light radiating the images in the Gulf of Mexico, filling and saturating the entire area with Love Energy.
Remember that each thought of Love Energy dissipates 750,000 thoughts of fear around the incident.
Radiate Love and Peace Energy until you feel the job is done in your invisible present and let the joy of accomplishment come over you.
Your reaction of peace assures the fears are neutralized in the area - in the visible portion of the world.
Thank You for your willingness to join your intention with the greater solution!
Note from Josh (thebigpitcher.org): We know scientifically now, as proven fact, that intention changes reality. (See Lynn McTaggert’s The Intention Experiment, the works of Dr. William Tiller, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, any quantum physics book, etc etc.)
In this full knowing, let us proceed with full faith and confidence, embodying our higher Divine selves, and burst forth great healing intention and light in the Gulf. See the earth’s wound healed. See the spill and the energies that caused it completely dissolved by the brilliant love that we choose to focus there now.
Today is the Summer Solstice - the day of Maximum Light. Let us shine and put great emotion and love behind our shared healing intention. Please join us in this moment now.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
From Dr. Joe / Carroll Wright:
Here’s where Neville teaches us to be vivid in imagination instead of being passively unimaginative.
In this instance of the Gulf, let’s head off the fears by changing the atmosphere. For all who willingly work on images of the situation which have fallen into your being, remember you are a Light Being.
Move into the energy of love and radiate light at 500 watts.
Feel the light radiating the images in the Gulf of Mexico, filling and saturating the entire area with Love Energy.
Remember that each thought of Love Energy dissipates 750,000 thoughts of fear around the incident.
Radiate Love and Peace Energy until you feel the job is done in your invisible present and let the joy of accomplishment come over you.
Your reaction of peace assures the fears are neutralized in the area - in the visible portion of the world.
Thank You for your willingness to join your intention with the greater solution!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. - Elizabeth Kubler Ross
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Human Affection
We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection. - Dalai Lama
Monday, May 24, 2010
Today's quote!
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
“There is nothing more genuine than breaking away from the chorus to learn the sound of your own voice.” - Po Bronson
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A quote for a Wednesday...
“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”– Hellen Keller
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A wee bit o' Emerson wisdom for you!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Monday, May 17, 2010
What would the world look like if we all started our days like this (and from as early on as this little girl):
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. – Ram Dass
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
What's "fair" anyways?
"It's not fair!"
Words I've uttered then stomped my foot after... I'm ashamed to admit, not as long ago as one might think, although yes, it did happen when I was a child too. :) I heard the words (without the foot stomp) from a good friend in pain a few days back, and it got me thinking about the statement.
Fair. Okay, so what is fair? In this context, I think we can agree on the following definition from Dictionary.com:
fair, adjective:
free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice: a fair decision; a fair judge.
It implies either no judgement, or unbiased judgement. But when we're in the throws of great emotion, I think it's safe to say that we are passing judgement on our situatioj, and it's definitely not unbiased. So who makes these decisions? Why do these situations arise? I know the expression "What goes around comes around" sometimes plays out, but what happens when perfectly good, kind people are heaped on with such injustices that it's painful to watch? (I'd like to interject here that I'm not referring to my 8 year old self who lost the summer camp competitions to my younger brother, although it hardly seemed fair at the time.)
I think the root of it is that there are no answers. You can blame it on karma, the universe, the weather, someone else - it doesn't matter. Because at the root of it all, it is what it is - and if it's not fair, you still need to deal with it. There is a certain grace that can be seen from making the best out of any situation. I certainly do not always possess this grace, but on occasion I do, and I strive to make the most out of whatever hand I'm dealt. Here is my personal insight on what to do. Please feel free to comment with your suggestions, or inquire about specific cases if you need advice.
When it seems like there's just too much to do - break it into smaller pieces. No one can do everything at once (Heck, even the bible says that God of all beings took a week to create the world) so don't put that kind of pressure on yourself. Plus, the appearance that there's too much is because you're seeing it all at once. I'm pretty sure when climbing Everest, people didn't just see a huge mountain - they see conquerable pieces of the mountain, and they climb them, one by one til they reach the apex. Celebrate your little victories, even if it's just an acknowledgement, a sigh of relief, a tick off a to-do list. Make sure you know it's one less thing you have to worry about. And speaking of to-do lists,they're awesome. I highly reccommend them. They saved my bacon this week.
When things are just not working out - try new ways, and if that doesn't work, learn to accept. I've written before about my struggle with acceptance, but every time I submit to the universe,things get easier. They fall into place. It's truly remarkable. I chastise myself for resisting so long, which hopefully won't happen soon enough when I learn to not resist in the first place. :) But seriously - this doesn't mean to sit back and wait for life to get better. You still need to be in the driver's seat of your existence. But sometimes, things are just out of our control, and we dont' know what the universe has in store for us. So when we practice acceptance, we release our grip on what could have been, and we open ourselves up to the possibilities of what is coming our way.... what IS.
Lastly, I'll leave you with this quote:
“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” - Dale Carnegie
(I thought that would be better than the lemons, lemonade or cloud, silver lining speeches)
Best of luck to you!
Much love,
Seena Beana
Words I've uttered then stomped my foot after... I'm ashamed to admit, not as long ago as one might think, although yes, it did happen when I was a child too. :) I heard the words (without the foot stomp) from a good friend in pain a few days back, and it got me thinking about the statement.
Fair. Okay, so what is fair? In this context, I think we can agree on the following definition from Dictionary.com:
fair, adjective:
free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice: a fair decision; a fair judge.
It implies either no judgement, or unbiased judgement. But when we're in the throws of great emotion, I think it's safe to say that we are passing judgement on our situatioj, and it's definitely not unbiased. So who makes these decisions? Why do these situations arise? I know the expression "What goes around comes around" sometimes plays out, but what happens when perfectly good, kind people are heaped on with such injustices that it's painful to watch? (I'd like to interject here that I'm not referring to my 8 year old self who lost the summer camp competitions to my younger brother, although it hardly seemed fair at the time.)
I think the root of it is that there are no answers. You can blame it on karma, the universe, the weather, someone else - it doesn't matter. Because at the root of it all, it is what it is - and if it's not fair, you still need to deal with it. There is a certain grace that can be seen from making the best out of any situation. I certainly do not always possess this grace, but on occasion I do, and I strive to make the most out of whatever hand I'm dealt. Here is my personal insight on what to do. Please feel free to comment with your suggestions, or inquire about specific cases if you need advice.
When it seems like there's just too much to do - break it into smaller pieces. No one can do everything at once (Heck, even the bible says that God of all beings took a week to create the world) so don't put that kind of pressure on yourself. Plus, the appearance that there's too much is because you're seeing it all at once. I'm pretty sure when climbing Everest, people didn't just see a huge mountain - they see conquerable pieces of the mountain, and they climb them, one by one til they reach the apex. Celebrate your little victories, even if it's just an acknowledgement, a sigh of relief, a tick off a to-do list. Make sure you know it's one less thing you have to worry about. And speaking of to-do lists,they're awesome. I highly reccommend them. They saved my bacon this week.
When things are just not working out - try new ways, and if that doesn't work, learn to accept. I've written before about my struggle with acceptance, but every time I submit to the universe,things get easier. They fall into place. It's truly remarkable. I chastise myself for resisting so long, which hopefully won't happen soon enough when I learn to not resist in the first place. :) But seriously - this doesn't mean to sit back and wait for life to get better. You still need to be in the driver's seat of your existence. But sometimes, things are just out of our control, and we dont' know what the universe has in store for us. So when we practice acceptance, we release our grip on what could have been, and we open ourselves up to the possibilities of what is coming our way.... what IS.
Lastly, I'll leave you with this quote:
“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” - Dale Carnegie
(I thought that would be better than the lemons, lemonade or cloud, silver lining speeches)
Best of luck to you!
Much love,
Seena Beana
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Today's quote
It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is. -Hermann Hesse
Monday, May 10, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life. – Eckhart Tolle
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The calm during the storm...
I have been blessed with amazing friends. I can't think of a circumstance that could come up that there isn't someone I can reach out to. The only downside I can see is that they are all in synch. When things are good - they tend to be good across the board. (Keep in mind, most of these friends are not friends with each other) When times get trying and difficult, that also tends to be global.
In many cases, it's hard to juggle being there for each of them, at the exact same time. I do my best, giving them each as much as I can. It can sometimes be difficult to give and give when it seems you are surrounded by loss and despair - especially when the people hurting are those you love. (And when I say difficult, I don't mean that you're unwilling, just that you only have so much to give.) So today, during the chaos, I am trying something new: I am going to act as the calm during the storm.
Last week I purchased some music on iTunes of different songs with Tibetan singing bowls being played. I am listening to one now, as I type this, however, some of the ones I purchased are specific to helping the chakras. I'm going to meditate with these (just over a half hour) to help hold the space for those experiencing difficulties right now. If I'm able, I'll upload each chakra video as a youtube clip so that you can do the same for your loved ones.
When everything seems like it's too much, remember that we're never given more than we can handle. If you're experiencing a tough time, keep that close to your heart. If the people around you are, breathe for them, love them, imagine them surrounded with white light. Send them love - it will help, even if they don't know where it's coming from.
Lovingly yours,
Seena Beana. xo
In many cases, it's hard to juggle being there for each of them, at the exact same time. I do my best, giving them each as much as I can. It can sometimes be difficult to give and give when it seems you are surrounded by loss and despair - especially when the people hurting are those you love. (And when I say difficult, I don't mean that you're unwilling, just that you only have so much to give.) So today, during the chaos, I am trying something new: I am going to act as the calm during the storm.
Last week I purchased some music on iTunes of different songs with Tibetan singing bowls being played. I am listening to one now, as I type this, however, some of the ones I purchased are specific to helping the chakras. I'm going to meditate with these (just over a half hour) to help hold the space for those experiencing difficulties right now. If I'm able, I'll upload each chakra video as a youtube clip so that you can do the same for your loved ones.
When everything seems like it's too much, remember that we're never given more than we can handle. If you're experiencing a tough time, keep that close to your heart. If the people around you are, breathe for them, love them, imagine them surrounded with white light. Send them love - it will help, even if they don't know where it's coming from.
Lovingly yours,
Seena Beana. xo
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Pessimist : A person who says that O is the last letter of ZERO, instead of the first letter in word OPPORTUNITY. - Anonymous
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Today's quote
“Use what talents you possess, the woods will be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.”
- Henry van Dyke
- Henry van Dyke
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Musings about ego
Oh Ego... How you rear your ugly head.
Yes ugly, that would be me passing judgement. Rather egoic, don't you think?
I find it so funny that the more aware of ego I am, the more obvious it appears. You'd think the awareness would keep it harnessed, but no. Ego is a slippery bugger and it wiggles from it's restraints more frequently than I'd care to admit.
How often do I love hearing that I'm right. Knowing I'm right inside doesn't bring nearly as much contentment as hearing it. It's the sweetest tasting flattery, and my ego laps at the dish hungrily.
How often does the artist in me become flattered when someone likes something I've created (be it jewellery, a painting, a theatre piece, a recording), and equally flip with my back up (and spikes sharpened) when it is critiqued.
Ego is the voice that tells us we are not good enough, smart enough, talented enough, etc unless we receive external validation of our worth. When we receive criticisms, it tells us "See? I told you you weren't X enough" and when we receive commendation, it fluffs our feathers and parades around like a peacock.
The point is not to be told we're good or bad.
The point is to know our worth, our "good-ness" without needing for it to come from the
I see you Ego... and you're not the boss of me. I just need to keep reminding myself of that.
Yes ugly, that would be me passing judgement. Rather egoic, don't you think?
I find it so funny that the more aware of ego I am, the more obvious it appears. You'd think the awareness would keep it harnessed, but no. Ego is a slippery bugger and it wiggles from it's restraints more frequently than I'd care to admit.
How often do I love hearing that I'm right. Knowing I'm right inside doesn't bring nearly as much contentment as hearing it. It's the sweetest tasting flattery, and my ego laps at the dish hungrily.
How often does the artist in me become flattered when someone likes something I've created (be it jewellery, a painting, a theatre piece, a recording), and equally flip with my back up (and spikes sharpened) when it is critiqued.
Ego is the voice that tells us we are not good enough, smart enough, talented enough, etc unless we receive external validation of our worth. When we receive criticisms, it tells us "See? I told you you weren't X enough" and when we receive commendation, it fluffs our feathers and parades around like a peacock.
The point is not to be told we're good or bad.
The point is to know our worth, our "good-ness" without needing for it to come from the
I see you Ego... and you're not the boss of me. I just need to keep reminding myself of that.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Today's quote
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
- Confucious
- Confucious
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Today's quote
Found this on facebook today, and found it wonderfully poignant.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
- Jimi Hendrix
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
- Jimi Hendrix
Monday, April 26, 2010
“So many of our dreams at first seems impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” - Christopher Reeve
Friday, April 23, 2010
Today's quote
I have learned that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavours to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. –Henry David Thoreau
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Quote of the day
Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
All you need is....
...You know what comes next... Love... Except today's blog is not about attracting a romantic partner, or loving those around you... it's about loving YOURSELF.
Ah humans... how we complicated, well, everything. Everything is simple if you can see the beauty and perfection in it, however this is rarely the path we choose. We scrutinize, analyze, criticize and other "izes" things to death and it strips us of the purity of just BEING in the moment.
If we look hard enough (and sadly, we often do) we can find flaws in anything. Look at half the magazine covers next time you're in the grocery store check out. Half will be dedicated to idolizing celebrity, and the other half will be dedicated to finding something wrong with them (debauchery, scandal, CELLULITE).
Then you have the terrible small talk topic: the weather. It's raining, it's snowing, it's too cold, too hot, too SOMETHING. Except that what if, it's exactly as it's supposed to be? Because it is. What if what we need is a change in perspective? Perhaps it's not too cold, but an excuse to wear that cute scarf? What if instead of seeing the rain, you see the opportunity to share an umbrella with someone special? Do you see where I'm going with this?
Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we fixate on the "bad" and miss out on the opportunity that exists behind every experience. Experience... something we would not have the blessed to have if it weren't for the bodies we were born into. The same bodies we pick apart and criticize as well. And we identify with these bodies, so when we attack them with our words and thoughts we attack ourselves because we have yet to see the difference. Without these bodies, too tall, too skinny, too short, too fat, too whatever, we wouldn't be able to witness a sunset. Feel a warm breeze caresse our skin. Smell freshly baked bread. Soak in a hot bath. I could go on, but instead I'd like you to close your eyes, for just a moment, and relive the experience you've had that you loved most. Once that's done, thank your body for allowing you to have that experience. And keep this attitude of gratitude any time you go to critique yourself.
Sending love and light to guide your way.
SB xo
Ah humans... how we complicated, well, everything. Everything is simple if you can see the beauty and perfection in it, however this is rarely the path we choose. We scrutinize, analyze, criticize and other "izes" things to death and it strips us of the purity of just BEING in the moment.
If we look hard enough (and sadly, we often do) we can find flaws in anything. Look at half the magazine covers next time you're in the grocery store check out. Half will be dedicated to idolizing celebrity, and the other half will be dedicated to finding something wrong with them (debauchery, scandal, CELLULITE).
Then you have the terrible small talk topic: the weather. It's raining, it's snowing, it's too cold, too hot, too SOMETHING. Except that what if, it's exactly as it's supposed to be? Because it is. What if what we need is a change in perspective? Perhaps it's not too cold, but an excuse to wear that cute scarf? What if instead of seeing the rain, you see the opportunity to share an umbrella with someone special? Do you see where I'm going with this?
Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we fixate on the "bad" and miss out on the opportunity that exists behind every experience. Experience... something we would not have the blessed to have if it weren't for the bodies we were born into. The same bodies we pick apart and criticize as well. And we identify with these bodies, so when we attack them with our words and thoughts we attack ourselves because we have yet to see the difference. Without these bodies, too tall, too skinny, too short, too fat, too whatever, we wouldn't be able to witness a sunset. Feel a warm breeze caresse our skin. Smell freshly baked bread. Soak in a hot bath. I could go on, but instead I'd like you to close your eyes, for just a moment, and relive the experience you've had that you loved most. Once that's done, thank your body for allowing you to have that experience. And keep this attitude of gratitude any time you go to critique yourself.
Sending love and light to guide your way.
SB xo
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny--he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally--you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you. – Osho
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
By forgiving and choosing to move on, one takes the power back to morph it into positive energy. - Eugenia Triputti
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering. – St. Augustine
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find your 'here and now' intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally. -Eckhart Tolle
Tick Tock...
Today I lost an old friend...
But if I'm entirely honest, I lost him years ago. We drifted apart when we were still teens, and even though our paths have crossed twice since, it has never been the same. Still, I feel a heaviness in my heart, sadness, guilt, regret... I feel like I wasn't a good friend, that I let us drift, that I didn't try to sort out the weirdness between us. We are left feeling like we're guilty of something, full of "coulda" "woulda" "shouldas".... We cannot change the past. The only thing we can change is this second, this moment, this instant.
We can't undo the things we've done, we can only move forward, striving for better. Life is short. So right now - with time ticking - what is the one thing you want to change? Because know this: you have the power to do it.
Seena Beana
But if I'm entirely honest, I lost him years ago. We drifted apart when we were still teens, and even though our paths have crossed twice since, it has never been the same. Still, I feel a heaviness in my heart, sadness, guilt, regret... I feel like I wasn't a good friend, that I let us drift, that I didn't try to sort out the weirdness between us. We are left feeling like we're guilty of something, full of "coulda" "woulda" "shouldas".... We cannot change the past. The only thing we can change is this second, this moment, this instant.
We can't undo the things we've done, we can only move forward, striving for better. Life is short. So right now - with time ticking - what is the one thing you want to change? Because know this: you have the power to do it.
Seena Beana
Friday, April 9, 2010
Today's Quote
This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. – Dalai Lama
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Today's Quote
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. – Wayne Dyer
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Healing does not mean going back to the way things were before, but rather allowing what is now to move us closer to God. – Ram Dass
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. - Allan K. Chalmers
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I'm on Twitter now! Truthfully, I thought I'd never see the day, however between needing to learn about it for work, and seeing it as a great opportunity to get the word out, I caved. :)
So look me up! http://www.twitter.com/seenabeana
So look me up! http://www.twitter.com/seenabeana
Live for Yourself, Love Yourself
Today's blog is as much for my benefit as anyone else's... You know that expression, I think it's from Eleanor Roosevelt that says "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission"? The same goes for feeling good about yourself. I've said before that everything we need is within us, and we need to find it there, instead of somewhere on the outside.
That being said, some of us have a tendency to sacrifice, put ourselves last, and we make ourselves our lowest priority. I know this can happen a lot when we become parents, and our children should for sure become priorities, but we need to not lose sight of our identities beyond our child's parent. As well the same can occurr withing friendships and relationships. And if these end, we lose sight of who we are, as we cease to exist beyond being half a couple.
When we don't make ourselves a priority, we give others permission to do the same. We need to know our value, and accept nothing less. Every individual on this planet has value, and so many of us lose sight of our own, and this is sad. Because if we can't find a way to hold ourselves with high esteem, how can anyone else? (And how can we accept anyone else holding us in that esteem, when we see it as foreign, and therefore not to be trusted.) This brings us back to Eleanor's quote... When we don't feel good about ourselves, we attract others who will reinfoce these thoughts, which perpetuates the bad feeling we're carrying. But if we can begin to heal ourselves, we can start attracting healthier friendships, relationships, etc and this will perpetuate the good feelings we have. And when we feel bad, if we bring about someone good into our life, it's important not to think they're wrong for liking us, but accept that maybe they see something we don't at that time... and strive to see it too.
If we live our life for ourselves, and not constantly sacrificing for others, we do ourselves justice. (A novel concept, I know!) :) We make ourselves a priority, and we do things we want to do. We eat things we want to eat. We hold ourselves as important in our life, and we project that to the world. And don't let the dark voice in your head fool you: you ARE important. So treat yourself as such.
Sending a ton of love your way (and some love to help you love yourself too!)
Seena Beana xoxo
That being said, some of us have a tendency to sacrifice, put ourselves last, and we make ourselves our lowest priority. I know this can happen a lot when we become parents, and our children should for sure become priorities, but we need to not lose sight of our identities beyond our child's parent. As well the same can occurr withing friendships and relationships. And if these end, we lose sight of who we are, as we cease to exist beyond being half a couple.
When we don't make ourselves a priority, we give others permission to do the same. We need to know our value, and accept nothing less. Every individual on this planet has value, and so many of us lose sight of our own, and this is sad. Because if we can't find a way to hold ourselves with high esteem, how can anyone else? (And how can we accept anyone else holding us in that esteem, when we see it as foreign, and therefore not to be trusted.) This brings us back to Eleanor's quote... When we don't feel good about ourselves, we attract others who will reinfoce these thoughts, which perpetuates the bad feeling we're carrying. But if we can begin to heal ourselves, we can start attracting healthier friendships, relationships, etc and this will perpetuate the good feelings we have. And when we feel bad, if we bring about someone good into our life, it's important not to think they're wrong for liking us, but accept that maybe they see something we don't at that time... and strive to see it too.
If we live our life for ourselves, and not constantly sacrificing for others, we do ourselves justice. (A novel concept, I know!) :) We make ourselves a priority, and we do things we want to do. We eat things we want to eat. We hold ourselves as important in our life, and we project that to the world. And don't let the dark voice in your head fool you: you ARE important. So treat yourself as such.
Sending a ton of love your way (and some love to help you love yourself too!)
Seena Beana xoxo
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The most important thing to remember is this: To be ready at any moment to give up what you are for what you might become. - W.E.B. DuBois
Monday, March 29, 2010
Quote of the day
Love is misunderstood to be an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others. – David R. Hawkins
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. – Marcel Proust
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Pay in forward
I still marvel at how the universe works... The more love you give, the more it comes back to you.
I surrendered this week, with regards to the play I'm directing, and let me tell you, surrendering to circumstances that are out of my control is NOT my strong point. However doing it, was a fabulous lesson. I was greeted by so much love, and so much support. I have said it before and I'll say it again: I am blessed.
But the love they showered me has filled me up again, and I am pushing it out to others, even some I haven't been in contact with for awhile. The expression "my cup runneth over" always painted an image in my mind about this metaphorical cup that one's emotions are held in... Well, I think my cup grew, and it still continues to overflow with love.
If you've landed in a time where you're receiving love, pay it forward - give it back - express it to someone else. This will brighten their day so they can continue to do the same. And if you're in a place of darkness, strive to find the light, the love, feed it, nurture it, and it will expand... and then you too will have more love than you know what to do with. (Which is the best problem to have!)
Lovingly yours,
I surrendered this week, with regards to the play I'm directing, and let me tell you, surrendering to circumstances that are out of my control is NOT my strong point. However doing it, was a fabulous lesson. I was greeted by so much love, and so much support. I have said it before and I'll say it again: I am blessed.
But the love they showered me has filled me up again, and I am pushing it out to others, even some I haven't been in contact with for awhile. The expression "my cup runneth over" always painted an image in my mind about this metaphorical cup that one's emotions are held in... Well, I think my cup grew, and it still continues to overflow with love.
If you've landed in a time where you're receiving love, pay it forward - give it back - express it to someone else. This will brighten their day so they can continue to do the same. And if you're in a place of darkness, strive to find the light, the love, feed it, nurture it, and it will expand... and then you too will have more love than you know what to do with. (Which is the best problem to have!)
Lovingly yours,
Quote of the day
The only devils in this world are those running around inside our own hearts, and that is where all our battles should be fought. – Mahatma Ghandi
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
What lacks wings but still flies?
I apologize for missing a post for Monday... in fact, this week is very busy with the opening of my play, Brilliant Traces (more info at www.playbyecho.com) so this week's posting might be irregular.
I spent the weekend with my spiritual family at an Ayahuasca retreat. I did not journey this time (that is to say, drink the medicine) but Angeled (assisted) which is in itself a journey. I became appreciative of how far I've come and how hard my ego has to work to take hold of me, but humbled by how far I still have to go.
I would like to share one realization with you though... You know how when you're really busy at work, even if you're not enjoying yourself time flies by quickly? And then of course there's the saying "Time flies when you're having fun." In a journey, even when angeling, the same thing applies, and I think I've figured out why. It's not because it's fun (because sometimes work and journeying and angeling are not fun, though necessary and good to do) but because we are PRESENT - which is also the state we are in when we are enjoying ourselves, engaged in fun. If we can strive towards being in every moment we spend, our time will fly - and this is a good thing, because it means we are in flow. And we don't have to worry about missing anything due to time flying because we will be in every moment, so there will be nothing to miss.
Just one of the little gems I took away from this fantastic weekend.
Hope yours was equally blessed.
Sending love,
Seena Beana xo
I spent the weekend with my spiritual family at an Ayahuasca retreat. I did not journey this time (that is to say, drink the medicine) but Angeled (assisted) which is in itself a journey. I became appreciative of how far I've come and how hard my ego has to work to take hold of me, but humbled by how far I still have to go.
I would like to share one realization with you though... You know how when you're really busy at work, even if you're not enjoying yourself time flies by quickly? And then of course there's the saying "Time flies when you're having fun." In a journey, even when angeling, the same thing applies, and I think I've figured out why. It's not because it's fun (because sometimes work and journeying and angeling are not fun, though necessary and good to do) but because we are PRESENT - which is also the state we are in when we are enjoying ourselves, engaged in fun. If we can strive towards being in every moment we spend, our time will fly - and this is a good thing, because it means we are in flow. And we don't have to worry about missing anything due to time flying because we will be in every moment, so there will be nothing to miss.
Just one of the little gems I took away from this fantastic weekend.
Hope yours was equally blessed.
Sending love,
Seena Beana xo
Friday, March 19, 2010
Quote of the day!!
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness,that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant... to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously giveother people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. - Marianne Williamson
(Edit: this quote was inadvertently attributed to Nelson Mandela)
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant... to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously giveother people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. - Marianne Williamson
(Edit: this quote was inadvertently attributed to Nelson Mandela)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Quote of the day
Perhaps the most important thing we can undertake toward the reduction of fear is to make it easier for people to accept themselves, to like themselves. - Bonarao W. Overstreet
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Find your theme song
Today’s topic is a bit sillier in nature than some, however, many have still found it to be effective. During the 70’s my grandma was going through what not a lot of women were going through: divorce, and this right in the middle of the women’s liberation movement. While she would never be so brazen has to burn her bra, she did listen to songs like “I am woman” and “I will survive” over and over again until the vinyl was gouged deeply.
Most songs on the radio are written from someone’s experience, and the human within us can relate. It’s finding the RIGHT song, the right lyric, to get you through a difficult time that is key. While there can be a tendency to wallow, playing sad love song after sad love song at the end of a relationship, it’s perhaps healthier to find empowering music that lifts your spirits, fills your soul with a positive vibration that benefits healing, instead of inviting the lingering hurt to continue to overstay it’s welcome.
So find your song! Maybe you need to get psyched up for a big job interview, or you’re nervous before a presentation and want to calm your nerves. Having the right soundtrack can set the mood to help you on your path to excellence.
Most songs on the radio are written from someone’s experience, and the human within us can relate. It’s finding the RIGHT song, the right lyric, to get you through a difficult time that is key. While there can be a tendency to wallow, playing sad love song after sad love song at the end of a relationship, it’s perhaps healthier to find empowering music that lifts your spirits, fills your soul with a positive vibration that benefits healing, instead of inviting the lingering hurt to continue to overstay it’s welcome.
So find your song! Maybe you need to get psyched up for a big job interview, or you’re nervous before a presentation and want to calm your nerves. Having the right soundtrack can set the mood to help you on your path to excellence.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Quote of the day
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. – Buddha
Monday, March 15, 2010
Quote of the day
What you are aware of you are in control of; what you are not aware of is in control of you. – Anthony De Mello
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Be a Beacon During the Darker Times
Have you ever had a time where for some reason, everyone around you is grumpy about something? I’m not talking about negative things they’ve brought about themselves, often this is just a planetary alignment, full moon type thing where for some reason, everything is going wrong for everyone. How does one stay afloat during these times? How can you stay dedicated to your path?
In some cases, it may be that you’ve been experiencing an awakening, where you are more aware than before, and you can see that many of the others around you are still asleep. Do you tip toe around so as to not wake them? Do you pull out the bull horn to call their dormant state to their attention?
Both cases have the same answer: shine your light.
Ghandi said “Be the change you want to see in the world.” You can do this by shining your light, living as an example for others to follow. Much in the way a lighthouse shows ships how to find the shore, you can bring others into your harbour of love and light by living authentically and sharing the love and light within you. If this is new for you, it may seem uncomfortable at first, but it will be SO worth it. Others close to you will see the change, and may ask you what the difference is. When we live authentically, we are being truer to ourselves and we are living in closer harmony with our essence. We will attract a wealth of joy and abundance by putting it out there for all to see. And in doing so, we are letting others know that it is safe for them to share their light as well. Forget Swine Flu and other illnesses – let LOVE be the pandemic everyone is talking about.
In some cases, it may be that you’ve been experiencing an awakening, where you are more aware than before, and you can see that many of the others around you are still asleep. Do you tip toe around so as to not wake them? Do you pull out the bull horn to call their dormant state to their attention?
Both cases have the same answer: shine your light.
Ghandi said “Be the change you want to see in the world.” You can do this by shining your light, living as an example for others to follow. Much in the way a lighthouse shows ships how to find the shore, you can bring others into your harbour of love and light by living authentically and sharing the love and light within you. If this is new for you, it may seem uncomfortable at first, but it will be SO worth it. Others close to you will see the change, and may ask you what the difference is. When we live authentically, we are being truer to ourselves and we are living in closer harmony with our essence. We will attract a wealth of joy and abundance by putting it out there for all to see. And in doing so, we are letting others know that it is safe for them to share their light as well. Forget Swine Flu and other illnesses – let LOVE be the pandemic everyone is talking about.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Quote of the day
At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it. - Thich Nhat Hanh
Monday, March 8, 2010
A Fork in the Road
It is said that there are two paths in the road of life: the path of Essence, and the path of the Ego. While we are still asleep, we wander these paths, one then the other, without paying much attention to where we’re going, or where we are. However, something magical happens when we start to wake up. When we find ourselves, consumed in moments of Ego (jealously, victimhood, despair, etc) we look around and realize we’ve gone off track. We pull out our Devine map, and find our way back to the fork in the road, this time choosing the path of Essence, which ultimately, is the path of love.
This is not to say that you can’t feel things other than joy or bliss. To feel is human. It’s just important to observe the feelings we are choosing to feel and why we are choosing to feel them. If we choose self pity, what are we getting out of it? The Ego is always getting something, and wants you to stay asleep. Perhaps it’s the attention from others, or a reinforcement of the subliminal belief that we are not good enough. Just know that it’s choice, and it’s not Ego’s choice to make. You are the master of your own domain. So when you catch yourself feeling something you would rather not feel, observe, and release. Don’t belittle yourself for having the experience, you are after all human. Don’t engage in a battle, trying to “conquer” your Ego, it thrives on conflict. Just observe, and release, and choose something better for yourself.
Awareness is key. And we cannot be aware if we are asleep. The beauty about being conscious, awake, aware, whatever label you want to give this feeling, is that you can become a witness to yourself having experiences. You can see from the outside when you need to choose the other path. So many times, before I found inner work, I became lost in the darkness I allowed my Ego to create. I still find myself there sometimes, but I know that I can pull out again. Because I’ve tasted Essence, and let me tell you, it is far more delicious than any concoction the Ego can create.
Sending you some of my Essence, to help you guide your way during the dark times on your path.
SB xo
This is not to say that you can’t feel things other than joy or bliss. To feel is human. It’s just important to observe the feelings we are choosing to feel and why we are choosing to feel them. If we choose self pity, what are we getting out of it? The Ego is always getting something, and wants you to stay asleep. Perhaps it’s the attention from others, or a reinforcement of the subliminal belief that we are not good enough. Just know that it’s choice, and it’s not Ego’s choice to make. You are the master of your own domain. So when you catch yourself feeling something you would rather not feel, observe, and release. Don’t belittle yourself for having the experience, you are after all human. Don’t engage in a battle, trying to “conquer” your Ego, it thrives on conflict. Just observe, and release, and choose something better for yourself.
Awareness is key. And we cannot be aware if we are asleep. The beauty about being conscious, awake, aware, whatever label you want to give this feeling, is that you can become a witness to yourself having experiences. You can see from the outside when you need to choose the other path. So many times, before I found inner work, I became lost in the darkness I allowed my Ego to create. I still find myself there sometimes, but I know that I can pull out again. Because I’ve tasted Essence, and let me tell you, it is far more delicious than any concoction the Ego can create.
Sending you some of my Essence, to help you guide your way during the dark times on your path.
SB xo
Friday, March 5, 2010
I've started a youtube channel!
I'm not very experienced with making videos thus far, but I expect they'll get better with time. Hopefully I can start doing podcasts again, and host them on youtube instead. Thus far, I've made a short video for the poem of "The Rebirth". I hope you enjoy.
I'm not very experienced with making videos thus far, but I expect they'll get better with time. Hopefully I can start doing podcasts again, and host them on youtube instead. Thus far, I've made a short video for the poem of "The Rebirth". I hope you enjoy.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Quote of the day
Some of the greater things in life are unseen. That's why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream. - Annonymous
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Quote of the day
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there. - Unknown Author
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Quote of the day
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. - Henry Van Dyke
Friday, February 26, 2010
Quote of the day
I can't control my destiny, I trust my soul, my only goal is just to be. There's only now, there's only here. Give in to love or live in fear. No other path, no other way. No day but today. - RENT by Johnathan Larson
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Quote of the day
Loving can cost a lot but not loving always costs more, and those who fear to love often find that want of love is an emptiness that robs the joy from life. - Merle Shain
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Quote of the day
The truth you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new. – Pema Chodron
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Quote of the day...
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. – Albert Einstein
Monday, February 22, 2010
Quote of the day
Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny. – Mahatma Gandhi
Saturday, February 20, 2010
This is a funny topic, because in most cases, boundaries are something we imagine or barricades that we set up against ourselves, as opposed to actual living breathing things. But the boundaries I’m referring to now are not those of our own creation. (Limitations we create as self fulfilling prophecies are a conversation for another day) I’m speaking of our own boundaries, and those of the people we love around us.
We need to honour boundaries, whether they be our own, or someone else’s. In the case of our own, we often dismiss them because they are not convenient for others, or they clash with something we are trying to obtain. But our boundaries are there for a reason – they protect us, they give us a gut check for where our comfort zone lies, and they keep us in line with our essence as well as our values and morals. When this needs to be challenged is when it’s something that doesn’t go against these things – that’s when you can tell if something is a self created limitation or a boundary. Let’s look at a couple of examples which are exaggerated for the purpose of demonstration:
1. A fear of public speaking – this is not something one would find morally wrong, but could definitely be uncomfortable. This is the type of boundary that would be good to challenge as it poses opportunity for growth.
2. An affair with a married person – this is the type of action that can rob us of our essence, and pull us away from living in line with our true inner light.
** Please note, everyone has their own choices, and their own boundaries to respect. I mean no offense when using examples, they are simply of use to illustrate examples that many can identify with.
Then of course there are the boundaries of others. Life would be simple if we all communicated our boundaries, and even better – if we were all awake enough to be aware of them. However sometimes, we don’t discover a boundary until we step on it (our own, or others) and sometimes, even when we know something will go against the grain, we are not comfortable to communicate it to another. If someone is going against your boundaries, there is nothing wrong with politely telling them – if they love you, they will respect that. But sacrificing yourself on the altar of another in order to not rock the boat disrespects you. And anyone living true to their essence would hate to be the one violating you knowingly. When there is no communication, we are unfortunately left with the task of evaluating the evidence. The end of communication with friends or lovers can often be a crime scene without a body – you look at the facts, try to piece together what happened, and use this to come to a conclusion. Sometimes this will lead us to making assumptions. But what else can we do? Sometimes, taking a step back to let the dust fall is a necessary approach, which may result in uncovering the “body” so to speak. By giving another space and time, we allow them to repair the hurt we cause by overstepping our boundaries (or the hurt they cause by surrendering their boundaries), and hopefully come back to the table to discuss so we can avoid it from happening again.
I'm sending some light to show you your boundaries in hopes they will always be respected.
Lovingly yours,
Seena Beana
We need to honour boundaries, whether they be our own, or someone else’s. In the case of our own, we often dismiss them because they are not convenient for others, or they clash with something we are trying to obtain. But our boundaries are there for a reason – they protect us, they give us a gut check for where our comfort zone lies, and they keep us in line with our essence as well as our values and morals. When this needs to be challenged is when it’s something that doesn’t go against these things – that’s when you can tell if something is a self created limitation or a boundary. Let’s look at a couple of examples which are exaggerated for the purpose of demonstration:
1. A fear of public speaking – this is not something one would find morally wrong, but could definitely be uncomfortable. This is the type of boundary that would be good to challenge as it poses opportunity for growth.
2. An affair with a married person – this is the type of action that can rob us of our essence, and pull us away from living in line with our true inner light.
** Please note, everyone has their own choices, and their own boundaries to respect. I mean no offense when using examples, they are simply of use to illustrate examples that many can identify with.
Then of course there are the boundaries of others. Life would be simple if we all communicated our boundaries, and even better – if we were all awake enough to be aware of them. However sometimes, we don’t discover a boundary until we step on it (our own, or others) and sometimes, even when we know something will go against the grain, we are not comfortable to communicate it to another. If someone is going against your boundaries, there is nothing wrong with politely telling them – if they love you, they will respect that. But sacrificing yourself on the altar of another in order to not rock the boat disrespects you. And anyone living true to their essence would hate to be the one violating you knowingly. When there is no communication, we are unfortunately left with the task of evaluating the evidence. The end of communication with friends or lovers can often be a crime scene without a body – you look at the facts, try to piece together what happened, and use this to come to a conclusion. Sometimes this will lead us to making assumptions. But what else can we do? Sometimes, taking a step back to let the dust fall is a necessary approach, which may result in uncovering the “body” so to speak. By giving another space and time, we allow them to repair the hurt we cause by overstepping our boundaries (or the hurt they cause by surrendering their boundaries), and hopefully come back to the table to discuss so we can avoid it from happening again.
I'm sending some light to show you your boundaries in hopes they will always be respected.
Lovingly yours,
Seena Beana
Friday, February 19, 2010
Quote of the day
It is simple. We are where we should be, doing what we should be doing. Otherwise we would be somewhere else, doing something else. – Richard Stine
Monday, January 25, 2010
Count Your Blessings
We as people have a terrible tendency to only see the bad. I'm guilty of this myself, especially if I'm in a funk to begin with. But not everything is bad. And even the things that are, have lessons for us to learn, which is less "bad" and more of a growth and learning opportunity. The universer will never give you more than you can handle, so trust that. Believe in it, because that faith will get you through some pretty dark times. By seeing opportunity or focusing on the positive, the rest slips away into the background. Whatever we focus on, we emphasize. So what will you choose to invest your energy into?
Sending you love,
Sending you love,
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Finding Acceptance
Here is a newsflash - you are not in control of everything.
Now, knowing this intellectually is one thing, but truly KNOWING is something else entirely. So let me say it again: You are NOT in control of everything.
This includes day to day events in your life, your interactions with others, the weather - all of it.
But that's okay.
Once you know this, when bumps arrive on the highway of life, you can recognize and release. This doesn't always come easily, when we're emotionally invested in something. You need to have a certain amount of detachment from your experiences, so you can experience them, without identifying with them. Does that make sense? If you identify with every passing experience, every passing exchange with another individual, when those things pass, a piece of you passes with it. This will rob us of the experience. But I digress. I cannot stress enough the importance of the breath during stressful times, or at the very least when things don't go our way. So let's go through an example of finding acceptance...
You have plans with someone, and they cancel. There are a millions reasons for cancelling of course, but the reason doesn't take away from the fact that you won't be seeing the person. (Though "good" reasons will often help us along with our accepting) You can recognize the disappointment within you, honour it. Pretending it isn't there, or denying yourself the chance to experience it will result in much worse. Take a deep breath... if it's a particularly big disappointment, take more than one. (The air is free!) Hold the breath... and release.... Make sure when you exhale that you're pushing out the negativity you're holding within you. With each subsequent inhale breathe in acceptance. Notice how it feels different within you. It should feel lighter. (If not, rinse, repeat) :)
Edit: I posted this late last night, and missed an integral part of acceptance. When we get information, facts, what have you, that show us that something is not as we'd like it to be (could be anything from seeing the weather won't compliment your plans for the day, to finding evidence of infidelity, etc) - don't use these facts to fester on and ruin your day. Of course depending on the situation, it may very well ruin your day. What I'm saying is, don't torture yourself with it: it is what it is. Be grateful that now you know, and use the knowledge to find acceptance. And of course, don't forget to breathe. :)
Finding acceptance plays a huge part in making it through the day without too much frustration. As crass as it is, sh!t happens. And a lot is out of our control. Once you can surrender to the experience, you can release the attachment that you once held, leaving you freer, lighter. So don't be a victim of the things you can't manoever - release, and accept, and move on to the next thing.
Much love,
Seena Beana
Now, knowing this intellectually is one thing, but truly KNOWING is something else entirely. So let me say it again: You are NOT in control of everything.
This includes day to day events in your life, your interactions with others, the weather - all of it.
But that's okay.
Once you know this, when bumps arrive on the highway of life, you can recognize and release. This doesn't always come easily, when we're emotionally invested in something. You need to have a certain amount of detachment from your experiences, so you can experience them, without identifying with them. Does that make sense? If you identify with every passing experience, every passing exchange with another individual, when those things pass, a piece of you passes with it. This will rob us of the experience. But I digress. I cannot stress enough the importance of the breath during stressful times, or at the very least when things don't go our way. So let's go through an example of finding acceptance...
You have plans with someone, and they cancel. There are a millions reasons for cancelling of course, but the reason doesn't take away from the fact that you won't be seeing the person. (Though "good" reasons will often help us along with our accepting) You can recognize the disappointment within you, honour it. Pretending it isn't there, or denying yourself the chance to experience it will result in much worse. Take a deep breath... if it's a particularly big disappointment, take more than one. (The air is free!) Hold the breath... and release.... Make sure when you exhale that you're pushing out the negativity you're holding within you. With each subsequent inhale breathe in acceptance. Notice how it feels different within you. It should feel lighter. (If not, rinse, repeat) :)
Edit: I posted this late last night, and missed an integral part of acceptance. When we get information, facts, what have you, that show us that something is not as we'd like it to be (could be anything from seeing the weather won't compliment your plans for the day, to finding evidence of infidelity, etc) - don't use these facts to fester on and ruin your day. Of course depending on the situation, it may very well ruin your day. What I'm saying is, don't torture yourself with it: it is what it is. Be grateful that now you know, and use the knowledge to find acceptance. And of course, don't forget to breathe. :)
Finding acceptance plays a huge part in making it through the day without too much frustration. As crass as it is, sh!t happens. And a lot is out of our control. Once you can surrender to the experience, you can release the attachment that you once held, leaving you freer, lighter. So don't be a victim of the things you can't manoever - release, and accept, and move on to the next thing.
Much love,
Seena Beana
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Identity is not in your belongings...
I'd like to start off today's post with a quote from the movie "Fight Club". (It was probably in the book too, but I have to admit, I haven't read it yet.)
"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis."
I know when I first heard that, I was like "Yeah!" and then went back to my life of making as much money as I could (even though it made me miserable) and acquired as many things as I could, the more expensive the better. I was fickle, and the reason why I had to keep buying more and more things was because I was trying to fill a void within me with material possesions.
Fast forward to May 2009 and I get brought into my boss's office and informed that due to cutbacks I need to be let go. I was devastated. I hated my job, was completely miserable, but panicked at the loss of money that would be coming in. Now, I'm very fortunate to be living in Canada, and I've been able to receive Employment Insurance which got me through the difficult time. But guess what? It doesn't kick in right away. And do you know what I wasn't doing when I was spending like a madwoman? Saving.
So I had to say farewell to all of my belongings... at least the really valuable ones. My bicycle that hadn't been ridden yet. My beautiful SLR camera that I'd taken with me to exotic (and not so exotic) places. My margarita machine, some furniture, and so on. It was a humbling experience, one I hope to not have to repeat because I think I actually learned the lesson. (Not just about saving, but about what I'm about to say next).
We cannot find true fullfilment outside of ourselves. We are not our jobs, or our belongings. Yes, it's important that we find satisfaction in what we do (this is after all the place we'll be spending a third of our days). Yes, it's important to appreciate what you have, regardless of how opulent or not it is. If we are constantly seeking some kind of validation out of things outside of ourselves (and yes, this does include relationships) then what happens to us when they're gone? Nothing is forever. And I'm not saying to be cynical and view everything as passing. I know too many people who get caught up in what they have or what they do, and if that's taken away from them, well, they cease to exist. If your identity is based on something outside of you - that's exactly what will occur if that outside source is taken away.
This means making a shift in how you value everything from your belongings, to your relationships and your experiences. It's also an opportunity for you to connect your heart with what truly matters. And if your answer to this is "my material things are what truly matters" well, that's just the stage of growth you're in. It is my hope that you'll see things from a bigger perspective soon. :)
Lovingly yours,
Seena Beana
"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis."
I know when I first heard that, I was like "Yeah!" and then went back to my life of making as much money as I could (even though it made me miserable) and acquired as many things as I could, the more expensive the better. I was fickle, and the reason why I had to keep buying more and more things was because I was trying to fill a void within me with material possesions.
Fast forward to May 2009 and I get brought into my boss's office and informed that due to cutbacks I need to be let go. I was devastated. I hated my job, was completely miserable, but panicked at the loss of money that would be coming in. Now, I'm very fortunate to be living in Canada, and I've been able to receive Employment Insurance which got me through the difficult time. But guess what? It doesn't kick in right away. And do you know what I wasn't doing when I was spending like a madwoman? Saving.
So I had to say farewell to all of my belongings... at least the really valuable ones. My bicycle that hadn't been ridden yet. My beautiful SLR camera that I'd taken with me to exotic (and not so exotic) places. My margarita machine, some furniture, and so on. It was a humbling experience, one I hope to not have to repeat because I think I actually learned the lesson. (Not just about saving, but about what I'm about to say next).
We cannot find true fullfilment outside of ourselves. We are not our jobs, or our belongings. Yes, it's important that we find satisfaction in what we do (this is after all the place we'll be spending a third of our days). Yes, it's important to appreciate what you have, regardless of how opulent or not it is. If we are constantly seeking some kind of validation out of things outside of ourselves (and yes, this does include relationships) then what happens to us when they're gone? Nothing is forever. And I'm not saying to be cynical and view everything as passing. I know too many people who get caught up in what they have or what they do, and if that's taken away from them, well, they cease to exist. If your identity is based on something outside of you - that's exactly what will occur if that outside source is taken away.
This means making a shift in how you value everything from your belongings, to your relationships and your experiences. It's also an opportunity for you to connect your heart with what truly matters. And if your answer to this is "my material things are what truly matters" well, that's just the stage of growth you're in. It is my hope that you'll see things from a bigger perspective soon. :)
Lovingly yours,
Seena Beana
Sunday, January 10, 2010
You wish you were invisible
A ghost to those you see
Without trying, you touch the souls
Of so many other than me
You glide the streets so very lost
And careful not to touch
You’re denying others knowing you
And they miss out on so much
What’s blind to you is you’re not a ghost
It’s very plain to see
You fill my life with laughs and love
Refilling what was empty
I fear the gap between us
Is more than just bad days
Your feet aren’t planted here on Earth
Which leads me now to say
The clock is ticking, so when the time comes
For your spirit to slip from this land
I pray it’s caused by ripe old age
And not by your own hand
It’s a selfish act, removing your light
From this Earthly plane
Leaving behind nothing but
Darkness, sadness and pain
Consider this a loving plea
To venture back to me
You’re so much more than a lonely ghost
Just live. Just love. Just be.
A ghost to those you see
Without trying, you touch the souls
Of so many other than me
You glide the streets so very lost
And careful not to touch
You’re denying others knowing you
And they miss out on so much
What’s blind to you is you’re not a ghost
It’s very plain to see
You fill my life with laughs and love
Refilling what was empty
I fear the gap between us
Is more than just bad days
Your feet aren’t planted here on Earth
Which leads me now to say
The clock is ticking, so when the time comes
For your spirit to slip from this land
I pray it’s caused by ripe old age
And not by your own hand
It’s a selfish act, removing your light
From this Earthly plane
Leaving behind nothing but
Darkness, sadness and pain
Consider this a loving plea
To venture back to me
You’re so much more than a lonely ghost
Just live. Just love. Just be.
The rebirth
I am reborn, a lotus blossom
Beauty birthed from mud
Reaching, rising upward
Grasping for the sun
Each breath makes my petals expand
Each breath the source of life
Each breath comes and feeds the next
Each breath erases strife
Because life as lotus blossom
Is more than flawless perfection
It’s an example for others to find
Within them warmth and affection
If I’m reborn then so can he
And she and he as well
Stories of limitless potential
Are ours to share and tell
Beauty birthed from mud
Reaching, rising upward
Grasping for the sun
Each breath makes my petals expand
Each breath the source of life
Each breath comes and feeds the next
Each breath erases strife
Because life as lotus blossom
Is more than flawless perfection
It’s an example for others to find
Within them warmth and affection
If I’m reborn then so can he
And she and he as well
Stories of limitless potential
Are ours to share and tell
I choose to live a loving life
As a warrior of love and peace
Who opens up her heart to give
A love that will never cease
I choose to live my life so strong
As fearless as can be
Embracing change and taking chance
Still being true to me
I choose to live a happy life
Abandoning my sorrow
Gone are the days of misery
Only joy will fill tomorrow
I choose to live a choosing life
Where pleasure is for the taking
Journeying with loving intention
These choices are mine for the making
As a warrior of love and peace
Who opens up her heart to give
A love that will never cease
I choose to live my life so strong
As fearless as can be
Embracing change and taking chance
Still being true to me
I choose to live a happy life
Abandoning my sorrow
Gone are the days of misery
Only joy will fill tomorrow
I choose to live a choosing life
Where pleasure is for the taking
Journeying with loving intention
These choices are mine for the making
Light for the dark times...
Today I was incredibly blessed to spend time with some of the most fantastic people I know. We had some wonderful discussion about everything under the sun, but there was one statement that triggered an opening in my heart that I wanted to share.
From the wise mouth of my beautiful friend Dr. Tanya:
"Just because you've had a difficult past, does not mean you have to have a difficult future."
It comes back to choice, which I've said a million times over. But sometimes, we choose the difficult option. But WHY? It seems nonsensical. There's a few reasons:
1. We still have a lesson to learn. When we find ourselves cycling over and over again in the same situations, it is sometimes because we have something that is left to absorb from the situation. I relate this to my astrological phase... for a stretch, I kept dating men over and over with the same astrological sign. It was kind of peculiar, and I certainly had something to learn from there.
2. We attract these situations. This does happen. It's common knowledge that we get what we put out, and if we are vibrating at a low frequency, we are going bring upon us situations of a similar frequency.
3. (And I think this is the most common) It's comfortable, and familiar. I had a coworker say to me once "Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't." Okaayyyy... but what if the other isn't a "devil". What if, God forbid, there's an actual GOOD option... or what about a FANTASTIC option! We don't have to settle for mediocrity. We don't have to dwell in dark negative places because that is familiar to us. It takes time to flex the muscles, and find comfort in a foreign place (ie: Positivity Land) but isn't it better to invest in the time than to dwell in misery?
So if you get to choose, what will you pick? It is ultimately up to us.
Sending so much light your way to help you in the dark parts of your journey...
SB xo
From the wise mouth of my beautiful friend Dr. Tanya:
"Just because you've had a difficult past, does not mean you have to have a difficult future."
It comes back to choice, which I've said a million times over. But sometimes, we choose the difficult option. But WHY? It seems nonsensical. There's a few reasons:
1. We still have a lesson to learn. When we find ourselves cycling over and over again in the same situations, it is sometimes because we have something that is left to absorb from the situation. I relate this to my astrological phase... for a stretch, I kept dating men over and over with the same astrological sign. It was kind of peculiar, and I certainly had something to learn from there.
2. We attract these situations. This does happen. It's common knowledge that we get what we put out, and if we are vibrating at a low frequency, we are going bring upon us situations of a similar frequency.
3. (And I think this is the most common) It's comfortable, and familiar. I had a coworker say to me once "Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't." Okaayyyy... but what if the other isn't a "devil". What if, God forbid, there's an actual GOOD option... or what about a FANTASTIC option! We don't have to settle for mediocrity. We don't have to dwell in dark negative places because that is familiar to us. It takes time to flex the muscles, and find comfort in a foreign place (ie: Positivity Land) but isn't it better to invest in the time than to dwell in misery?
So if you get to choose, what will you pick? It is ultimately up to us.
Sending so much light your way to help you in the dark parts of your journey...
SB xo
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